The first week is one of the toughest weeks in the year. First of all, it is the one we wait the whole summer. We prepare our classrooms, plans and lists; out material, clothes and pencilcase. We usually do not admit how anxious we are this week. Yes, we teachers are anxious as well. The very idea of meeting a new class, learning their names, their interests and weaknesses scares us a little bit because we, as normal human beings, feel safe with the known. But the first week is the unknown.
Secondly, the first week sets the pace of the rest of the year. It is the first impression, you never get a second chance. More experienced teachers always advice us not to avoid looking strict because there is always time to let lose. I think this is true with groups that you know and new groups. In fact, it is sometimes more difficult to set the pace with known people because they know perfectly well when you are bluffing and when you are not.
Thirdly, the first week is tiresome. It is the first week in a long time you are all day in front of students, at the centre of the stage, in the eye of the hurricane. You have not been given that much attention since four weeks before... even more! And suddenly, you rush from classroom to classroom, from school to school, coming in with a wide grin and a confident attitude.
What do you think are the main features of a first week?